American Chestnut Cooperators' Foundation Grower Report

These reports are an integral part of ACCF research and increase the potential for outside funding.

Please provide the following contact information:

  Street Address 
 Address (cont.) 
 Zip/Postal Code 
Please send your check to ACCF, 2667 Forest Service Road 708, Newport, VA 24128

Number of surviving trees

Height of tallest tree in feet

Number of trees bearing nuts

Total number of trees with blight

Number of trees with Swollen blight cankers

Number of trees with Flat blight cankers

Number of trees with Sunken cankers

Select any/all of the following options that apply to your planting site:

Well-drained, sandy loam soil
Full Sun
Slopes facing North, NE or East
Coves receiving the drainage of surrounding slopes
Altitudes below 2500 feet

Revised: September 25, 2020